Editorial policy
  • Focus and Scope

  • Sections

  • Publication Frequency

  • Open Access Policy

  • Retraction of Publications

  • Review Process

  • Publishing Ethics and Misuse

  • Copyright and Publishing Rights

  • Obligations of the Editorial Board, Authors and Reviewers

  • License terms 


Focus and scope

Suvremena lingvistika is one of the leading Croatian linguistic journals, which publishes scholarly articles and reviews from various linguistic fields and disciplines. It publishes primarily articles based on a clearly defined theoretical framework, with a precisely elaborated methodology which analyzes linguistic materials or discusses certain linguistic topics.
Suvremena lingvistika is especially interested in publishing book reviews and notices of recent Croatian and foreign publications in all fields of linguistics.



  • Original scientific articles
  • Review papers
  • Preliminary communication
  • Book reviews
  • Chronicles
  • Book notices
  • Editorial


Publication frequency

Suvremena lingvistika is published twice a year.


Open Access (open access policy)

Suvremena lingvistika (Contemporary Linguistics) is an open access journal and all of its contents are available without charge to users or institutions. Journal users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles published in the journal without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author. This policy is consistent with the BOAI definition of Open Access (http://www.soros.org/openaccess).

This journal does not charge any article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees.


Retraction of Publications

Should the editorial board have clear evidence that findings presented in the journal are unreliable (the result of misconduct or honest error), or that findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication), or that a work has been plagiarized in part or in its entirety, or if the findings report unethical research, such published works will be withdrawn from the publication in accordance with the retraction guidelines stipulated in the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.

Review Process

All submitted works undergo an initial evaluation by the editor-in-chief, who will decide if the work is to be considered for publication and if it shall be sent to the review process. After a positive initial evaluation, scientific papers undergo a double-blind peer review, in which the identities of the author and the reviewer are not reveled. The review process is carried out by at least two reviewers who will assess if the work meets professional academic standards and the standards of the journal.


Publishing Ethics and Misuse

Suvremena lingvistika acts in accordance with accepted practices relating to ethical issues, the possibility of errors and retractions of works. Preventing misuse in academic publishing is one of the areas where the journal dedicates a significant amount of attention. Unethical behavior is unacceptable in any form. By submitting their works, the authors implicitly confirm content originality and guarantee that such works have not been previously published in another language (either in part or in its entirety), and that such works are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The journal's editorial board denies any and all liability for any eventual case of plagiarism in the works received. The authors themselves bear full responsibility in cases of plagiarism, regardless if such cases were discovered during the review process or after such work has been published in the journal.


Obligations of the Editorial Board, Authors and Reviewers

The following obligations of the editors, authors and reviewers are based on the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors:


Obligations of the Editorial Board

1. Review: each submitted work undergoes an initial evaluation by the editor-in-chief who decides if a work is to be considered for publication. Scientific works are then submitted for review to two reviewers. Each reviewer submits a recommendation to accept, reject or modify a work on a provided review form. The review process takes about 30 days.
2. Fair play: the editorial board is obliged to review the intellectual content of received works, and will not take into consideration the sex, institutional affiliation, race, religious affiliation, nationality, etc. of the author.
3. Confidentiality of data: the editorial board is obliged to keep information relating to the works received confidential.
4. Disclosure of information and conflicts of interest: without the express written consent of the author, unpublished materials contained in any submitted works may not be used by the editorial board for their own research.


Obligations of the Author
1. Reporting standards: each author is obliged to accurately represent their own research, as well as to put forth an objective discussion of its importance. Manuscripts must be arranged in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the journal.
2. Originality: the authors are obliged to submit to Suvremena lingvistika works that are completely original in nature and are solely a result of their own work.
3. Simultaneous publishing: the editorial board of Suvremena lingvistika will not consider works that are currently in the process of being published in other publications, and it is therefore the obligation of the author to not submit to other journals works that are under consideration for publication in Suvremena lingvistika. Authors are also expected to not publish works in multiple journals dealing with the same research.
4. Citing sources: authors are required to list all sources used in their study and to cite all publications that impacted their research work. Sources must be cited in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the journal.
5. Authorship: Authorship works should be limited to individuals who have significantly contributed to the conception, development, implementation or interpretation of the referenced study. Other individuals who have significantly contributed to the work should be listed as co-authors. The authors are also obliged to present the submitted version of their work to the other authors for review, and to seek their approval for the submission and publication of the work, as well as to list them as co-authors of the submitted work.
6. Fundamental errors in published works: if at any point the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in a work submitted for review and publication in Suvremena lingvistika, they are obliged to inform the editorial board immediately.


Obligations of the Reviewer
1. Confidentiality of data: reviewers are obliged to keep confidential all information concerning submitted works and to treat all such information as privileged.
2. Citing sources: reviewers are required to check if the authors have properly cited and quoted all sources of data used in the study. Reviewers are obliged to report to the editor board of the journal every form of similarity or overlap between the work currently under review with other works also under review, or with other works for which they are personally familiar with.
3. Objectivity Standards: reviewers are required to objectively review submitted works and to clearly present their views and arguments.
4. Timeliness: when a reviewer believes that they are not able review a work within the specified timeframe, they are obliged to promptly notify the editorial board so that the work may be sent to another reviewer.


Copyright and Publishing Rights


The journal Suvremena lingvistika retains copyright and publishing rights for all published contributions. The author(s) retains the right to republish the contribution in another publication of which they are the author, eg. as a chapter in their own book. However, should the author(s) wish to publish their contribution in a publication authored or edited by a third party, the third party is obliged to obtain a written permission for publication from the Editorial Board of the journal Suvremena lingvistika.


License terms

All content is made freely available for non-commercial purposes, users are allowed to copy and redistribute the material, transform, and build upon the material as long as they cite the source.



Citation databases

The journal is indexed in prominent databases: MLA International Bibliography, MLA Directory of Periodicals, BL Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA Linguistics and Language Behaviour, Sociological Abstracts, Communication and Mass Media Complete (EBSCO Publishing), CEEOL, ERIH, DOAJ, SCOPUS, ProQuest.

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