General points
1. The journal accepts articles written in Croatian, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian that have not been published elsewhere.
The journal does not accept translations of articles that have already been published elsewhere, or articles that are submitted to other journals at the same time.
2. Articles should be submitted as attachments via e-mail, both to Editor-in-Chief Mislava Bertoša (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and to Managing Editor Irena Zovko Dinković (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The e-mail should contain the author's name and surname, affiliation (name and address), e-mail address and the title of the article.
3. Articles are generally not limited with regard to length, but preferably should not exceed 24 pages (43000 characters), including spaces and punctuation.
4. Authors should include an abstract written in the language of the article and a summary written in a foreign language. The abstract should not exceed 300 words. The summary should present the aim of the article, its theoretical background and methodological procedure, as well as the most important results and the conclusion of the study.
The author should list no more than five key words, both in the language of the article and in a foreign language, following the summary.
Articles that are not written in English should obligatorily be submitted with an English summary which is about 1,800 to 2,000 characters long.
If the article is not written in Croatian, it should also include a summary in Croatian which is about 1,800 to 2,000 characters long. Authors who are not native speakers of Croatian should include a summary in the language of the article.
5. If the author is not a native speaker of the language of the article, the author is obliged to have the article proofread, upon notification of acceptance.
6. The author is obliged to obtain written permission for the use of material (e.g. tables, charts, figures) for which the copyright is owned by others.
7. The submitted article must be formatted in accordance with these guidelines once it has been accepted for publication.
Please note that Suvremena lingvistika will not be able to publish your article unless the text has been proofread and prepared in accordance with these Guidelines!
Manuscript format
1. The article should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx or .rtf); line spacing 1.5; font Times New Roman, point 12; left justified.
2. All margins should be set at 25 mm and each paragraph indented by 5 mm, with no added spaces between paragraphs.
3. If your contribution contains special characters, you should also submit it as a PDF file to ensure proper typesetting.
4. All pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page and to the right.
5. The article should have clear structure, with precise marking and hierarchy of paragraphs and sub-paragraphs. All headings should begin flush left and be organized in the following way:
1. First-level heading
1.1. Second-level heading
1.1.1 Third-level heading
Numbers cannot begin with “0”
6. Examples from the language corpora that are used and analyzed in the article should be italicized, morphologically glossed and translated into the language of the article. Examples should be numbered and separated from the previous and following text by one space line, e.g.
(2) Djevojčic-a poslužu-je gost-ima čaj-Ø. serve-3sg.PRES
‘The girl is serving tea to the guests.’
Examples may be grouped using small letters and in the text should be referred to as (2), (2a), (2a, b) or (2 a-c).
7. Short quotations (less than 60 words) may be included in the text and placed within double quotation marks.
Longer quotations should be a separate paragraph, within single quotation marks, font size 11, indented by 10 mm on the left and on the right, and separated from the rest of the text by one space line before and after the quotation. The source should be quoted at the end of quotation, e.g. (Labov 1973: 30)
8. Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page (footnotes) and not at the end of contribution. Do not use notes for citations only.
9. References to tables or figures within the article should include the capitalized word “Table” or “Figure” followed by a number, be set in point 11 and placed under the table or figure in question, e.g.
![]() |
Figure 2. Assessment of profession-specific competences
Citation of sources
1. In-text citations should provide the cited author's surname, year of publication and page number where relevant, e.g.
(Labov 1973)
(Labov 1973: 30)
(Hockett 1964: 140–145)
(Bresnan 1982; Dryer 1986)
(Silić and Pranjković 2005)
If the author's name appears in the sentence, use this form: Labov (1973: 30) states that…
2. The list of references should be placed at the end of the article, and it should contain full information on all the works referred to in the article. Works should be listed alphabetically by author's surname, and chronologically if they belong to the same author. If several works by one author were published in the same year, please use small letters after listing the year (a, b, c, etc.).
If a bibliographical item has several co-authors, please list all authors and do not use 'et al.' unless the number of authors is five or more.
Should you have any questions regarding references, please contact the editorial board.
3. For articles available online, please include the source (http://..) and the date of access after the usual information about the article (author, title, etc.)
4. If you cite works that have a DOI number, each reference should have its DOI number listed, e.g.
Traxler, Matthew J., Kristen M. Tooley i Martin J. Pickering (2014). Syntactic priming during sentence comprehension: Evidence for the lexical boost. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40(4): 905-918,
The DOI number can be found or checked through CrossRef service at
5. The references should be listed consistently, according to the following examples:
a. Books:
- authored books
Lambrecht, Knud (1994). Information structure and sentence form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag (1985). Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
- edited books
Steinberg, Danny, and Leon Jakobovits (eds.) (1971). Semantics: An interdisciplinary reader in philosophy, linguistics and psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
b. Book chapters/proceedings
Hoeksema, Jack (2000). Negative Polarity Items: Triggering, Scope, and C-Command. Horn, Laurence, and Yasuhiko Kato, eds. Negation and Polarity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 115-146
c. Articles in journals (the title of the journal should be listed in full):
Pollock, Jean-Yves (1989). Verb Movement, Universal Grammar, and the Structure of IP. Linguistic Inquiry 20: 365-424