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Izvorni znanstveni članak

Zjena Čulić; Građevinski fakultet, Split



This paper deals with the analysis of innovative structural metaphors and metaphors based on image–schemata from the corpus of H. James’s novels. The introductory section includes a review of the relationship between the two elements of the conceptual metaphors, referred to as tenor and vehicle (I. A. Richards), focus–frame (M. Black), source/donor domain and target/recipient domain (Lakoff & Johnson), etc. The relationship has been analyzed by various theoreticians and has greatly influenced the comprehension of metaphors. The first section deals with structural metaphors conceptualizing the abstract concept of life by using more concrete concepts of journeys, theatre and play. The second section deals with innovative metaphors based on image–schemata where a schema is defined as a recurrent pattern in, or of, our ongoing ordering activities Johnson (1987: 29). The axiological dynamism embodied in the image schemata is transferred to the metaphorical expressions; hence, it can be stated that image schemata have an overall importance in the metaphorical expression of value judgements. In our analysis of metaphors in both sections special attention is paid to the contribution of specific donor domains to the expression of value judgements which may be transferred from the source domain directly, or may come in only after the extension to a specific aspect of the target domain. The conclusion deals with the interplay of metaphors, i. e. the processes of extension, elaboration and composing which lead to the creation of complex innovative metaphors.


Ključne riječi

metaphors, theory of metaphor, image schemata, value judgements


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