Arhiva časopisa

Izvorni znanstveni članak

Sunil Kumar Bhatt



The concept of completivity (perfectivity) is very significant in defining the verbal tenses in Croatian. Its introduction into the temporal system helps in defining the structure of the verbal system and also helps in better understanding of verbal paradigms individually and in relation with each other. Completivity and non-completivity, i. e. perfectivity and non-perfectivity can be defined with the help of two points of time in relation with each other: the event time and the reference time. If the event time is prior to the reference time, the action is perfect; on the other hand, if the reference time is at the same point with event time or sometimes prior to event time, the action is non-perfect. This concept is not new to the Croatian linguists, Musić, Katičić and others in their works have dealt with this problem.


Ključne riječi

completivity (linguistics), verbal tenses, Croatian


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