Arhiva časopisa

Izvorni znanstveni članak

Maja Anđel; Department of Speech and Language Pathology, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb

Sabine Klampfer; Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna

Marianne Kilani-Schoch; University of Lausanne

Wolfgang U. Dressler; Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna

Melita Kovačević; Department of Speech and Language Pathology, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb



Research of child language acquisition, i. e. comparisons of acquisition in typologically different languages, play a significant role in shedding some light on universal linguistic features. The aim of our paper is to compare acquisition of verbal morphology in three languages belonging to different branches of Indo–European languages and to compare developing verbal systems in children as well as the order of emergence of verbal forms in each of them. Furthermore, the results on regularities occurring in all three languages have been discussed. The analysis of process of developing verbal system within each particular language is based on tense and mood. Provided error analysis gave us some further insights into the linguistically active role that child takes at certain stage of its linguistic development. The intention of this paper is to point to relevant aspects of developing linguistic system common to all three analysed languages, but at the same time drawing the attention to those language segments that need to be taken into consideration due to the limitations imposed by the language variations.


Ključne riječi

language acquisition; verbal morphology; language universals; Croatian; French; Austrian German


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